home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // AKUA Protos OneFile
- #include "yLibCfg.h"
- #include "Reaper.h"
- #include "yAgtINIT.h"
- #include "yAgtTRAP.h"
- #include "yDraw.h"
- #include "yFixedMath.h"
- #include "yGlobal.h"
- #include "yString.h"
- #include <Appearance.h>
- //
- // For PPC Code resource
- #if ISAPPC
- ProcInfoType __procinfo = bpiObjAgt;
- #endif // ISAPPC
- // AKUA Statics Beg
- oaVal main(oaObj initBlkObj);
- static pascal Ptr xaLMGetFCBSPtr(void);
- static SysProc tpLaunchX(LaunchPBPtr pb, OSErr * err);
- #if ISAPPC
- static pascal OSErr xaLaunchPPC(LaunchPBPtr pb);
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm OSErr xaLaunch(void);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static SysProc tpGet1ResourceX(ident kind, short resNum, Handle * retHdl);
- #if ISAPPC
- static pascal Handle xaGet1ResourcePPC(ResType kind, short resNum);
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm Handle xaGet1Resource(ResType kind, short resID);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static Handle tpNewHandleX(word tw, Size amt);
- #if ISAPPC
- static pascal Handle xaNewHandlePPC(word tw, Size amt);
- static pascal Handle xaNewHandleSmartPPC(word tw, Size amt);
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaNewHandle(void);
- static pascal asm void xaNewHandleSmart(void);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static Ptr tpNewPtrX(word tw, Size amt);
- #if ISAPPC
- static pascal Ptr xaNewPtrPPC(word tw, Size amt);
- #else
- static pascal asm void xaNewPtr(void);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static SysProc tpDisposePtrX(word tw, Ptr p);
- #if ISAPPC
- static pascal void xaDisposePtrPPC(word tw, Ptr p);
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaDisposePtr(void);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static PicHandle tpOpenPictureX(rect box);
- #if ISAPPC
- static pascal PicHandle xaOpenPicturePPC(rect box);
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaOpenPicture(void);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static SysProc tpMaxApplZoneX(void);
- #if ISAPPC
- static pascal void xaMaxApplZonePPC(void);
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaMaxApplZone(void);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static yError tpInit(initBlk init);
- Handle mmHdlNewClr(lwrd s);
- void mmBlkClr(void * p, long s);
- void mmBlkCpyCode(const void * p, void * q, long s);
- void mmBlkCpy(const void * p, void * q, long s);
- void mmBlkSwap(void * p, void * q, long s);
- SysProc osTrapSwap(word trapWord, void * newTrapAdr);
- SysProc osTrapSwap(word trapWord, word selector,
- ProcInfoType expectedProcInfo, void * newTrapAdr);
- // AKUA Statics End
- enum TrapReplacement
- {
- ktrLaunch,
- ktrGet1Resource,
- ktrMaxApplZone,
- ktrOpenPicture, // Only set at MaxApplZone
- ktrNewHandle,
- // ktrSetHandleSize,
- ktrNewPtr,
- ktrDisposePtr,
- ktrCnt
- };
- // Our globals
- ReaperGlo grp =
- {
- igsReaper,
- kvrReaperCurrent,
- 0,
- };
- MonkeyFlag theMonkey;
- SysProc gatTraps[ktrCnt];
- // End globals
- oaVal main(oaObj initBlkObj)
- {
- EnterCodeRsrc();
- initBlk init = (initBlk)initBlkObj;
- // bkkEternal - since we stay resident, load and detach 'PREF' resource
- init->flags = bkkEternal;
- // Global Initialization
- theMonkey = bEvMonkeyLives | (init->monkey & (bEvMonkeyPowered | bEvMonkeyHasColourQD | bEvMonkeyUseColourQD));
- grp.prefs = (BADAPP)init->prefs;
- // Set up traps
- yError err = tpInit(init); // Init Gestalt Entries
- #if ISAPPC
- if (UInt32 * badguy = (UInt32 *)init->trapData)
- grp.nextFCBP = fcSet(badguy, xaLMGetFCBSPtr);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- deadlyError:
- LeaveCodeRsrc();
- return err;
- }
- static pascal Ptr xaLMGetFCBSPtr(void)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Init
- In InitBlk from main
- Out
- Effect Fill initBlk with our shit!
- Const
- Errors
- Flags
- Global
- Rsrc
- Version 001
- Notes
- History
- 001 GOD 10.04.96 Use MaxApplZone
- 000
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- if (appItem item = rpFindApp(grp.prefs, osCreator(NULL), osCurApName, TRUE, NULL, NULL))
- if (mcObjTst(item, bbaFixFCB))
- goto okToTouch;
- if (grp.nextFCBP)
- return (*grp.nextFCBP)();
- SysError(119);
- okToTouch:
- return osFCBSPtr;
- }
- static SysProc tpLaunchX(LaunchPBPtr pb, OSErr * err)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp LaunchX
- In
- Out
- Effect Grab events, check 'em out, and pass 'em on…
- (Keep track of idle for AutoOK function and
- pop-up utility menus when the user has chosen them).
- Const
- Errors
- Flags
- Global
- Rsrc
- Version 001
- Notes
- History
- 001 GOD 12.07.95 wdSelect action moved here
- Action now includes 2 secs or more of
- events not being processed.
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- EnterCodeRsrc();
- SysProc trap = gatTraps[ktrLaunch];
- mcObjSet(&grp, brpIsLaunching);
- #if ISAPPC
- // DebugStr("\pLaunch");
- *err = CallUniversalProc(trap, bpiLaunch, pb);
- #else // ISAPPC
- *err = (*(trapLaunchProc)trap)(pb);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- mcObjClr(&grp, brpIsLaunching);
- LeaveCodeRsrc();
- // return trap;
- return NULL;
- }
- #if ISAPPC
- static SysProcDef xaLaunch = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiLaunch, xaLaunchPPC);
- static pascal OSErr xaLaunchPPC(LaunchPBPtr pb)
- {
- OSErr err;
- if (SysProc p = tpLaunchX(pb, &err))
- err = CallUniversalProc(p, bpiLaunch, pb);
- return err;
- }
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm OSErr xaLaunch(void)
- {
- // Parms are in registers!!! Careful
- clr.l -(sp) // Space for real trap
- movem.l a0-a1/d0-d2, -(sp)
- pea 4 + 20 + 4(sp) // Space, Regs, RTS Adress (the value of this address is also in d0)
- move.l a1, -(sp) // Event Record *
- jsr tpLaunchX
- addq.w #8, sp // Kill parms
- move.l a0, 20(sp) // New rts
- movem.l (sp)+, a0-a1/d0-d2
- move.w 4(sp), d0 // Restore d0 from new return value
- tst.l (sp)
- bne.s @1
- addq.w #6, sp // Kill NULL Trap & word return
- @1: rts
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static SysProc tpGet1ResourceX(ident kind, short resNum, Handle * retHdl)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Get1ResourceX
- In
- Out
- Effect Grab events, check 'em out, and pass 'em on…
- (Keep track of idle for AutoOK function and
- pop-up utility menus when the user has chosen them).
- Const
- Errors
- Flags
- Global
- Rsrc
- Version 001
- Notes
- History
- 001 GOD 12.07.95 wdSelect action moved here
- Action now includes 2 secs or more of
- events not being processed.
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- EnterCodeRsrc();
- SysProc trap = gatTraps[ktrGet1Resource];
- if (!mcObjTst(&grp, brpIsLaunching))
- goto noLunch;
- #if ISAPPC
- if (kind == kCFragResourceType)
- {
- if (appItem item = rpFindApp(grp.prefs, CurResFile(), 0))
- {
- if (mcObjTst(item, bbaRun68K))
- {
- osResErr = resNotFound;
- trap = NULL;
- goto noLunch;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- if (kind == ircSizeOfHeap)
- {
- #if ISAPPC
- if (Handle hdl = (Handle)CallUniversalProc(trap, bpiGet1Resource, kind, resNum))
- #else // ISAPPC
- if (Handle hdl = (Handle)(*(tpGet1ResourceProc)trap)(kind, resNum))
- #endif // ISAPPC
- {
- *retHdl = hdl;
- trap = NULL;
- long originalSize = *(long *)(*hdl + 2);
- if (!(originalSize & 0xFF))
- {
- mmHdlPurgeOff(hdl);
- *(long *)(*hdl + 2) = rpFindHeapSize(grp.prefs, CurResFile(), originalSize);
- }
- }
- }
- noLunch:
- LeaveCodeRsrc();
- return trap;
- }
- #if ISAPPC
- static SysProcDef xaGet1Resource = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiGet1Resource, xaGet1ResourcePPC);
- static pascal Handle xaGet1ResourcePPC(ResType kind, short resNum)
- {
- Handle h;
- if (SysProc p = tpGet1ResourceX(kind, resNum, &h))
- return (Handle)CallUniversalProc(p, bpiGet1Resource, kind, resNum);
- return h;
- }
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm Handle xaGet1Resource(ResType kind, short resID)
- {
- // 180 GOD 20.03.96 Lots o' changes, including saving A1 around GetResource since ViseInstaller presumes this
- // the dickheads!
- enum ParmSizes { parmsSize = sizeof(ResType) + sizeof(short) };
- movem.l d1-d2/a1, -(sp)
- subq.w #4, sp // Space for return
- pea (sp) // Pointer to it
- move.w 4 + 8 + 12(sp), -(sp) // resID @ RetAdr + RetVal + Regs
- move.l 4 + 8 + 12 + 4(sp), -(sp) // kind @ RetAdr + RetVal + Regs + resID + resID(parm)
- jsr tpGet1ResourceX
- addq.w #4, sp
- addq.w #6, sp
- move.l (sp)+, parmsSize + 4 + 12(sp); // Parms + RetAdr + SavedRegs
- movem.l (sp)+, d1-d2/a1
- // Return in a0 for MWC!
- move.l a0, d0
- bne.s @1
- move.l (sp)+, a0 // Caller's address
- addq.w #parmsSize, sp // We be pascal
- move.w kosResErr, d0 // Set r0
- @1: jmp (a0)
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static Handle tpNewHandleX(word tw, Size amt)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Trap NewHandleX
- In
- Out
- Errors
- Effect Replace known names with icon suites
- Const
- Global
- Rsrc
- Notes EnterCodeRsrc() -- SetCurrentA4() must be done by 68K caller!!!
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- Handle h;
- OSErr err;
- if(!(h = TempNewHandle(amt, &err)) || err)
- {
- h = NULL;
- osMemErr = err;
- // Go for alternate zones - going for Sys may loop back to us!
- // h = NewHandleSys(amt);
- }
- else if (mcFlagTst(tw, bosTrapIsClr))
- mmBlkClr(*h, amt);
- return h;
- }
- // GLUE Code for tpNewHandle
- #if ISAPPC
- static RoutineDescriptor xaNewHandle = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiNewHandle, xaNewHandlePPC);
- static pascal Handle xaNewHandlePPC(word tw, Size amt)
- {
- Handle h;
- if (!(h = (Handle)CallOSTrapUniversalProc(gatTraps[ktrNewHandle], bpiNewHandle, tw, amt)))
- if (!mcFlagTst(tw, bosTrapIsSys) && (osTheZone == osApplZone))
- h = tpNewHandleX(tw, amt);
- return h;
- }
- static RoutineDescriptor xaNewHandleSmart = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiNewHandle, xaNewHandleSmartPPC);
- static pascal Handle xaNewHandleSmartPPC(word tw, Size amt)
- {
- Handle h = NULL;
- bool smart = !mcFlagTst(tw, bosTrapIsSys) && (osTheZone == osApplZone);
- // From OpenPicture?
- if (smart)
- if (mcObjTst(&grp, brpInOpenPicture) || (amt > (osTheZone->zcbFree >> 2)))
- if (osTheZone->zcbFree < TempFreeMem()) // grp.tmpZone->zcbFree)
- h = tpNewHandleX(tw, amt);
- if (!h)
- if (!(h = (Handle)CallOSTrapUniversalProc(gatTraps[ktrNewHandle], bpiNewHandle, tw, amt)))
- if (smart)
- h = tpNewHandleX(tw, amt);
- return h;
- }
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaNewHandle(void) // Parameter in register d0, trapWord in d1
- {
- movem.l d1-d4/a1-a4, -(sp)
- move.l d0, d3
- move.w d1, d4
- // Access to our globals
- jsr SetCurrentA4
- // _Debugger
- // In System Heap - Leave it alone
- btst #bosTrapIsSysBit, d4
- bne @7
- // Not App Zone - leave it alone
- move.l kosApplZone, d0
- move.l kosTheZone, d1
- cmp.l d1, d0
- beq @6
- @7: // System or other zone - out of here!
- move.l d3, d0
- move.l gatTraps + (ktrNewHandle * 4), a0
- movem.l (sp)+, d1-d4/a1-a4
- jmp (a0)
- // Quick Check if that much is free
- /* move.l kosTheZone, a0
- addq.w #8, a0
- addq.w #4, a0
- move.l (a0), d0 // zcbFree
- sub.l #10240, d0 // reserve for emergencies
- cmp.l d3, d0
- blt @4
- */
- @6: // Call original NewHandle
- move.l d3, d0
- // Restore d1 (trapWord)
- move.w d4, d1
- move.l gatTraps + (ktrNewHandle * 4), a0
- jsr (a0)
- tst.w d0
- beq @2
- @4: // _Debugger
- move.l d3, -(sp)
- move.w d4, -(sp)
- jsr tpNewHandleX
- addq.w #6, sp
- @3: move.w kosMemErr, d0
- @2: movem.l (sp)+, d1-d4/a1-a4 // Restores A4
- @1: rts
- }
- static pascal asm void xaNewHandleSmart(void) // Parameter in register d0, trapWord in d1
- {
- movem.l d1-d4/a1-a4, -(sp)
- move.l d0, d3
- move.w d1, d4
- // Access to our globals
- jsr SetCurrentA4
- // In System Heap - Leave it alone
- btst #bosTrapIsSysBit, d4
- bne @7
- // Not App Zone - leave it alone
- move.l kosApplZone, d0
- move.l kosTheZone, d1
- cmp.l d1, d0
- beq @6
- @7: // System or other zone - out of here!
- move.l d3, d0
- move.l gatTraps + (ktrNewHandle * 4), a0
- movem.l (sp)+, d1-d4/a1-a4
- jmp (a0)
- @6: // How much do we have avail?
- move.l kosTheZone, a0
- addq.w #8, a0
- addq.w #4, a0
- move.l (a0), d0 // zcbFree
- move.l d0, d1 // … to D1
- asr.l #2, d0 // 1/4 to D0
- // Quick Check if that much is free
- cmp.l d3, d0 // d0 (free >> 2) > d3 (amt) ?
- ble @5
- // From OpenPicture()?
- move.w grp.flags, d0
- btst #brpInOpenPictureBit, d0
- beq @0 // Go for the bigger zone
- @5: // Check if more temp is available than our zone
- /*
- @5: move.l grp.tmpZone, a0
- addq.w #8, a0
- addq.w #4, a0
- move.l (a0), d0
- */
- move.l d1, a3
- subq.w #4, sp
- moveq #0x18, d0 // _TempFreeMem
- move.w d0, -(sp)
- _OSDispatch
- move.l (sp)+, d0
- move.l a3, d1
- cmp.l d0, d1 // D1 (app) > D0 (tmp) ?
- bgt @0 // Skip it, app has more
- // Get some temp mem
- move.l d3, -(sp)
- move.w d4, -(sp)
- jsr tpNewHandleX
- addq.w #6, sp
- tst.w kosMemErr
- beq @3
- // Call original NewHandle
- @0: move.l d3, d0
- // Restore d1 (trapWord)
- move.w d4, d1
- move.l gatTraps + (ktrNewHandle * 4), a0
- jsr (a0)
- tst.w d0
- beq @2
- @4: // _Debugger
- move.l d3, -(sp)
- move.w d4, -(sp)
- jsr tpNewHandleX
- addq.w #6, sp
- @3: move.w kosMemErr, d0
- @2: movem.l (sp)+, d1-d4/a1-a4 // Restores A4
- @1: rts
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static Ptr tpNewPtrX(word tw, Size amt)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Trap NewPtrX
- In
- Out
- Errors
- Effect Replace known names with icon suites
- Const
- Global
- Rsrc
- Notes
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- EnterCodeRsrc();
- Ptr p;
- #if ISAPPC
- if (!(p = (Ptr)CallOSTrapUniversalProc(gatTraps[ktrNewPtr], bpiNewPtr, tw, amt)))
- #else // ISAPPC
- if (!(p = (Ptr)(*(trapNewPtrProc)gatTraps[ktrNewPtr])(tw, amt)))
- #endif // ISAPPC
- {
- // Try system heap if we not already in System heap…
- if (!(tw & bosTrapIsSys))
- #if ISAPPC
- p = (Ptr)CallOSTrapUniversalProc(gatTraps[ktrNewPtr], bpiNewPtr, tw | bosTrapIsSys, amt);
- #else // ISAPPC
- p = (Ptr)(*(trapNewPtrProc)gatTraps[ktrNewPtr])(tw | bosTrapIsSys, amt);
- #endif // ISAPPC
- if (!p)
- {
- Handle h;
- if (h = tpNewHandleX(tw, amt + 12))
- {
- ident * id;
- mmHdlLock(h);
- id = (ident *)*h;
- *id++ = igsReaper; // Mark as a pointer
- *id++ = 'Ptr ';
- *id++ = (lwrd)h;
- p = (Ptr)id;
- }
- }
- }
- LeaveCodeRsrc();
- return p;
- }
- // GLUE Code for tpNewPtr
- #if ISAPPC
- static RoutineDescriptor xaNewPtr = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiNewPtr, xaNewPtrPPC);
- static pascal Ptr xaNewPtrPPC(word tw, Size amt)
- {
- return tpNewPtrX(tw, amt);
- }
- #else
- static pascal asm void xaNewPtr(void) // Parameter in register d0
- {
- movem.l d1-d2/a1, -(sp)
- move.l d0, -(sp)
- move.w d1, -(sp)
- jsr tpNewPtrX
- addq.w #6, sp
- move.w kosMemErr, d0
- movem.l (sp)+, d1-d2/a1
- rts
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static SysProc tpDisposePtrX(word tw, Ptr p)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Trap DisposePtrX
- In
- Out
- Errors
- Effect Replace known names with icon suites
- Const
- Global
- Rsrc
- Notes
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- EnterCodeRsrc();
- SysProc trap = gatTraps[ktrDisposePtr];
- // One of our pseudo pointers?
- if (!p)
- {
- trap = NULL;
- osMemErr = 0;
- }
- else if ( (*(ident *)(p - 8) == 'Ptr ')
- && (*(ident *)(p - 12) == igsReaper))
- {
- trap = NULL;
- mmHdlDel(*(Handle *)(p - 4));
- }
- LeaveCodeRsrc();
- return trap;
- }
- // GLUE Code for tpDisposePtr
- #if ISAPPC
- static RoutineDescriptor xaDisposePtr = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiDisposePtr, xaDisposePtrPPC);
- static pascal void xaDisposePtrPPC(word tw, Ptr p)
- {
- if (SysProc trap = tpDisposePtrX(tw, p))
- CallOSTrapUniversalProc(trap, bpiDisposePtr, tw, p);
- }
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaDisposePtr(void) // Parameter in register a0
- {
- movem.l d1-d2/a1, -(sp)
- move.l a0, -(sp)
- move.w d1, -(sp) // Trapword
- jsr tpDisposePtrX
- addq.w #2, sp // Trapword
- move.l a0, d0
- move.l (sp)+, a0
- movem.l (sp)+, d1-d2/a1
- beq.s @1
- move.l d0, -(sp) // Real trap
- @1: rts
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static PicHandle tpOpenPictureX(rect box)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Trap OpenPictureX
- In
- Out
- Effect Replace NewHandle and NewPtr with our versions
- if the app is in our prefs resource and the
- traps have not been already zapped
- Const
- Errors
- Flags
- Global
- Rsrc
- Version 000
- Notes
- History
- 000 GOD 10.04.96 Start
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- EnterCodeRsrc();
- mcObjSet(&grp, brpInOpenPicture);
- PicHandle pic = CallTrapOpenPicture(gatTraps[ktrOpenPicture], box);
- mcObjClr(&grp, brpInOpenPicture);
- LeaveCodeRsrc();
- return pic;
- }
- // GLUE Code for tpNewHandle
- #if ISAPPC
- static RoutineDescriptor xaOpenPicture = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiOpenPicture, xaOpenPicturePPC);
- static pascal PicHandle xaOpenPicturePPC(rect box)
- {
- return tpOpenPictureX(box);
- }
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaOpenPicture(void)
- {
- move.l 4(sp), a0 // Box parm
- move.l (sp)+, (sp) // Kill it
- movem.l d0-d2/a1, -(sp)
- move.l a0, -(sp) // Box parm
- // _Debugger
- jsr tpOpenPictureX
- addq.w #4, sp // Kill box parm
- movem.l (sp)+, d0-d2/a1
- move.l a0, 4(sp)
- rts
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static SysProc tpMaxApplZoneX(void)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Trap MaxApplZoneX
- In
- Out
- Effect Replace NewHandle and NewPtr with our versions
- if the app is in our prefs resource and the
- traps have not been already zapped
- Const
- Errors
- Flags
- Global
- Rsrc
- Version 000
- Notes
- History
- 000 GOD 10.04.96 Start
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- EnterCodeRsrc();
- bool expansion = FALSE;
- bool smart = FALSE;
- // mcObjClr(&grp, brpIsLaunching); // Can't be launching now?!?
- if (appItem item = rpFindApp(grp.prefs, kCurrentProcess))
- {
- expansion = mcObjBool(item, bbaExpand);
- smart = mcObjBool(item, bbaSmartHeap);
- /*
- yError err;
- if (1)
- grp.tmpZone = osTwitchZone;
- else if (Handle crap = TempNewHandle(3, &err))
- {
- grp.tmpZone = HandleZone(crap);
- mmHdlDel(crap);
- }
- */ }
- else
- {
- // Reget trap info
- gatTraps[ktrOpenPicture] = osTrapSwap(_OpenPicture, NULL);
- gatTraps[ktrNewHandle] = osTrapSwap(_NewHandle, NULL);
- gatTraps[ktrNewPtr] = osTrapSwap(_NewPtr, NULL);
- gatTraps[ktrDisposePtr] = osTrapSwap(_DisposePtr, NULL);
- }
- if ((expansion || smart) && (osTrapSwap(_NewHandle, NULL) != (smart ? &xaNewHandleSmart : &xaNewHandle)))
- {
- // Replace the traps
- if (osTrapSwap(_NewHandle, smart ? &xaNewHandleSmart : &xaNewHandle) != gatTraps[ktrNewHandle])
- {
- // Debugger();
- // osTrapSwap(_NewHandle, original);
- // SysBeep(9);
- }
- if (expansion)
- {
- if (osTrapSwap(_NewPtr, &xaNewPtr) != gatTraps[ktrNewPtr])
- {
- // Debugger();
- // osTrapSwap(_NewPtr, original);
- // SysBeep(9);
- }
- if (osTrapSwap(_DisposePtr, &xaDisposePtr) != gatTraps[ktrDisposePtr])
- {
- // Debugger();
- // osTrapSwap(_DisposePtr, original);
- // SysBeep(9);
- }
- }
- if (smart)
- {
- if (osTrapSwap(_OpenPicture, &xaOpenPicture) != gatTraps[ktrOpenPicture])
- {
- // Debugger();
- // osTrapSwap(_DisposePtr, original);
- // SysBeep(9);
- }
- }
- }
- SysProc trap = gatTraps[ktrMaxApplZone];
- LeaveCodeRsrc();
- return trap;
- }
- // GLUE Code for tpNewHandle
- #if ISAPPC
- static RoutineDescriptor xaMaxApplZone = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(bpiMaxApplZone, xaMaxApplZonePPC);
- static pascal void xaMaxApplZonePPC(void)
- {
- CallOSTrapUniversalProc(tpMaxApplZoneX(), bpiMaxApplZone);
- }
- #else // ISAPPC
- static pascal asm void xaMaxApplZone(void)
- {
- movem.l d0-d2/a1, -(sp)
- jsr tpMaxApplZoneX
- movem.l (sp)+, d0-d2/a1
- jmp (a0)
- }
- #endif // ISAPPC
- static yError tpInit(initBlk init)
- {
- /* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
- tp Init
- In InitBlk from main
- Out
- Effect Fill initBlk with our shit!
- Const
- Errors
- Flags
- Global
- Rsrc
- Version 001
- Notes
- History
- 001 GOD 10.04.96 Use MaxApplZone
- 000
- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
- trapTable traps;
- // Our Trap Table
- init->traps = traps = (trapTable)NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(TrapTable) + (sizeof(TrapTableItem) * (ktrCnt - 1)));
- if (!traps)
- return memFullErr;
- traps->originalTraps = gatTraps;
- // The traps we patch
- int cnt = 1;
- trapTableItem t = traps->item;
- t->trapWord = _Launch;
- t->agt = &xaLaunch;
- ++ cnt;
- ++t;
- t->trapWord = _Get1Resource;
- t->agt = &xaGet1Resource;
- ++ cnt;
- ++t;
- t->trapWord = _MaxApplZone;
- t->agt = &xaMaxApplZone;
- // Just for inquiry
- ++ cnt;
- ++ t;
- t->trapWord = _OpenPicture;
- ++ cnt;
- ++ t;
- t->trapWord = _NewHandle;
- ++ cnt;
- ++ t;
- t->trapWord = _NewPtr;
- ++ cnt;
- ++ t;
- t->trapWord = _DisposePtr;
- // Our gestalts
- if (init->gestVals)
- init->gestVals->item[0].value = (long)&grp;
- // Set the number of traps we want
- traps->cnt = cnt;
- return noErr;
- }
- #include "mmBlkClr.c"
- #include "osCreator.c"
- #include "osTrapSwap.c"